District4 Executive and Staff (Lanark Carleton Minor Hockey League)

PrintDistrict4 Executive and Staff

District4 Executive and Staff

Position Name Email Address
District Chair Amanda Waterfield
Past Chair Del Brown
Vice Chair Glenn Austin
Risk & Safety Chris Benson / Michel Smith
Registrar Heather Nixon
Treasurer Glenn Austin
Officials Assignor Michael Clarkson
Coach Mentor / Hockey Ops Steve Edgerton
Secretary Jennifer Garner
Webmaster Andy Backa

Association Representatives
Almonte-Pakenham President Scott Robillard
Carleton Place President Stu Robinson
Osgoode Rideau President Cameron Legault
Perth Lanark President Morgan McNevin
Richmond Munster President Jim Wallace
Stittsville President Terry Foley
West Carleton President Natasha Danschinko

Competitive Teams
Mississippi Thunderkings Jennifer Downey
Osgoode Richmond Romans Martin Bouchard
Ottawa Silver Sevens Tyler Nystedt
Ottawa Valley Titans Jocelyn Legault
Upper Canada Cyclones Matthew Graham

League Representatives
LCMHL President Tom Stephens